Ikea in Fuerteventura: What You Need to Know

Ikea in Fuerteventura is located in the Costa de Antigua industrial estate, between Caleta de Fuste and Fuerteventura airport. It is a small customer collection point.  What this means is that you can go there to browse  the full Ikea catalogue, and then order with one of the customer assistants.  The goods are then ordered via the main Ikea store in Lanzarote. It then takes about 2 days for goods to be delivered from Lanzarote to this collection point in Fuerteventura. Orders can also be made through the Ikea website, and delivery will be made to the pick up point in Fuerteventura.

Customers are notified by SMS or by email, when the product they have ordered is in store. Goods at the pick up point can either be collected by the purchaser, or Ikea will deliver for a flat rate of 25€ for goods up to a value of 3000€.  Most Ikea products are flat packed, and designed in such a way, that they are easy for you to take home yourself. 

Ikea in Fuerteventura: Contact Details

The full address for the Fuerteventura pick up point is:

Lugar Diseminado Llanos del Dinero, Nave 1, Parcela 3

Pol. Industrial El Matorral (Antigua)

35610 Fuerteventura

Islas Canarias

Telephone:  (+34) 928 805612.

Website (Opens in a new window): 


The store is open from 10.00am - 8.30pm, Monday to Saturday, and is closed on Sundays.

How to Get to the Ikea Fuerteventura Collection Point

If you're coming from the south of the island, get on the FV-2 motorway, and head north. If, on the other hand, you're driving from the north of the island, take the FV-1 south, and then in take the FV-2, or the FV-3, and then the FV-2. 

As there is only a small display/showroom in the pick up point, Ikea is not ideal for tourist visitors.  It is geared up for people who own properties on the island, rather than those who want to browse a wide range of products.

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