Fuerteventura Weather

The best thing about the Fuerteventura weather is that there are no extreme highs or lows like there are in the rest of Europe; and it is quite predictable at any time of the year.  If someone asks what the weather is like at the moment, you can usually say it’s sunny and windy with a weather of above 22 degrees.  That summary will cover most days of the year on the island.  That’s the reason why Fuerteventura is a sun worshipper’s paradise!

Summer Weather

During the summer months the daytime shade weather will be in the range 25 – 30 degrees Celsius, and around 20 degrees Celsius at night.  Most days will be sunny, dry and windy.  The prevailing N or NE wind helps to cool weathers a little and can be quite refreshing.  The UV index will be around 8 or 9, so a high sun cream factor is a must.

Autumn Weather

September is usually the hottest month of the year as the wind tends to drop; but as we move into October the weather does start to drop, and autumn is mainly dry and sunny.  Daytime weathers will be in the mid 20’s Celsius in the shade on most days.

Winter Weather

Fuerteventura is ideal for you to get your winter sun. While the rest of Europe suffers from low weathers, the weather is still in the low 20’s Celsius in the day and the sun will shine a lot during your stay here.  The prevailing N or NE wind might be strong, and this can make it feel cool in the evenings, so a jacket and trousers might be in order.  The weather will probably drop to around 13 degrees at night in the coastal resorts.  The UV index will be either 3 or 4 at this time, so you’ll still get a tan.

Spring Weather

As the days get longer, the sun becomes stronger and the weathers rise.  You can expect the Fuerteventura weather to be in the mid 20’s Celsius.  It’ll be sunny and dry on most days.

Why is the Fuerteventura Weather so high all year round?

Fuerteventura, in the Eastern Canary Islands, is just over 100km from the coast of Africa, and is known to be the hottest and driest of the Canary Islands.  It seems to be protected from most of the rain that comes across the Atlantic Ocean, which is more likely to fall on the Western Canary Islands.

The statistics show that there is an average of 320 sunny days each year on Fuerteventura, and in the summer there can be 11 hours of sunshine a day.

Will I get any bad weather on Fuerteventura?

Rainfall averages 147 mm a year, and this generally falls during the Winter months.  Even then there’ll be an average of 7 hours of sunshine a day.

If you are unlucky enough to be on the island when there is cloud or rain, you won’t have to wait long before the sunshine returns.

During the Spring/Summer months there is the slight possibility that the island will be affected by an South- Easterly or Easterly wind that will bring hot air in from the Sahara Desert.  If this happens, then the Fuerteventura weather can rise by up to 10 degrees and there is the chance that sand particles will be carried in this wind.  If this is the case then visibility can be reduced.  This type of weather is called a ‘calima’ by the locals.  

Below are the average temperatures, wind speed, and rainy days on Fuerteventura:






Wind (km/h) Average Rainy Days
January 23 11 18 5
February 25 11 20 3
March 27 12 21 4
April 27 13 23 2
May 29 14 24 1
June 29 17 24 0.2
July 32 19 26 0.1
August 32 19 23 0.1
September 30 18 20 1.5
October 29 16 18 2.6
November 28 13 18 2.1
December 25 12 18 7

Fuerteventura Weather Forecast

So if you are looking for an all year round destination for a long holiday or short break, then the perfect Fuerteventura weather should be the deciding factor.

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